
This is my “monthly” update about my PHP-to-LLVM compiler, SubsetPHP.

So what’s new? Classes and structs. At least bits and pieces of dito.

LLVM has support for structs. They look like this:

%struct.mystruct = type {i32, i32, i8*}

This defines a struct type with two integers and a pointer to anything (think void * ). In LLVM, struct fields have no names - that’s up to the compiler to know.

Can we use this representation in PHP? Well, obviously for objects. I wanted to start as light-weight as possible, so I decided to just use classes without methods or inheritance. Example:

final class Point {
  public $x
  public $y

Thumb up

This could be compiled to

%struct.point = type {i32, i32}

except there’s a problem here. What type is $x, really? Float? Integer? Another point? In comes weak polymorphism to the rescue!

Basically, the compiler guesses the type of $x and $y by their (first) usage. So in this code:

$point = new Point();
$point->x = 10;
$point->y = 23;

$x and $y will be numbers. This code:

$point = new Point();
$point->x = "I'll be back";
$point->y = 23;

would make $x a string, and $y a number.

What happens if I want $x to be a number in one point, and string in another in the same program?


Won’t work! That’s the difference between polymorphism and weak polymorphism. I decided to go with the simpler, less power-full weak polymorphism for now. That means that some idioms will not be possible to represent, like:

final class Tree {
  public $value
  public $left;
  public $right;

In a statically typed language, one would use generics to say what type $value is of, and make it possible to use Tree for any value type. A crucial feature! (Could it be solved with interfaces and gettype()? Possibly, using program-flow sensitive typing instead of up-casts, but more about that later.)

Next I will start to work with arrays. To be able to run the nbody problem from benchmarkgames is still the target for version 0.1.

Have a nice weekend!
