Using gforth.

vocabulary my-voc  \ Create new vocabulary my-voc
my-voc also        \ Add my-voc to wordlist order
definitions        \ Use my-voc as current compilation wordlist
order              \ List wordlist order
\ In GForth, this will output: order my-voc my-voc Forth Root     my-voc  ok
: test s" Hello test" type cr ;  \ Create new word in current wordlist
test               \ Prints "Hello test"
previous           \ Pops the top wordlist from the search order list
previous           \ Need to pop my-voc twice?
test               \ error: Undefined word
my-voc also        \ Add wordlist again
test               \ Prints "Hello test"

Not using the word also will add only that wordlist to the search order:

words   \ Lists only "test"
:       \ error: Undefined word
