Main point: Use Psalm’s type-annotations to statically disallow faulty states in a class.

Psalm is a static analyser for PHP.

We will use two quite special annotations:

  • @psalm-this-out
  • @psalm-if-this-is

The first one will tell Psalm to change the type of this after a function call. The second one will check the type of this at a function call, and fail if it’s not the annotated type.

Below is a simple query builder, with the body of functions omitted.

 * @template S
 * @template T
class QueryBuilder
     * @psalm-this-out QueryBuilder<HasSelect, T>
    public function select(): void

     * @psalm-this-out QueryBuilder<S, HasFrom>
    public function from(): void

    public function where(): void

     * @psalm-if-this-is QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>
    public function execute(): mixed
        return 'result';

Example usages:

// $qb has type QueryBuilder<mixed, mixed>
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, mixed>
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>, so this call is valid

It’s also possible to change the order of the function calls:

// $qb has type QueryBuilder<mixed, mixed>
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<null, HasFrom>
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>, so this call is valid

Example of failing use:

$qb = new QueryBuilder();
// $qb has type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, mixed> - not valid

This will fail with:

ERROR: IfThisIsMismatch - Class type must be QueryBuilder<HasSelect, HasFrom>
current type QueryBuilder<HasSelect, mixed>

In short, you can statically make sure your SQL queries are correct, without running the code.


  • These annotations do not work with method chaining in current version of Psalm
  • Aliasing will confuse the type-checker, e.g. setting $foo = $qb, Psalm will not understand they are pointing to the same object; one possible solution is to forbid aliasing, that is, only allow one variable pointing to an object at a time (related to ownership and uniqueness)
  • It would probably be really hard to build a type-safe query builder for all possible SQL queries

Related concepts:

  • This is a little bit like type-state programming, which could allow for type-safe embedded domain-specific language (EDSL) if the problems could be adressed.
  • Also see tagless-final, another way to do type-safe EDSL in functional programming

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