The shape OOP design problem
Imagine you have three shapes:
- Point
- Rectangle
- Circle
They have the following properties:
- Point: int x, int y
- Rectangle: Point bottomLeft, Point topRight
- Circle: Point center, int radius
Let’s add two behaviour to this data: area() and draw().
Here’s comes the design problem: Which behaviour belongs to which data, and why? Imagine you want to keep the following properties of the design:
- Cohesion: A class should be responsible for one thing only
- Coupling: You should be able to isolate change in the system
- Encapsulation: Classes shouldn’t share internal representation
- Polymorphism: The design should be based on interfaces
In the end, you should be able to do something like:
forall shapes as shape, do shape.draw(surface)
Or if you move out the drawing logic:
forall shapes as shape, do surface.draw(shape.getDrawData())
Same behaviour should be possible for area calculation of a list of shapes.
Everyone has a different solution to this problem. In particular, solutions in OOP and FP looks very different.
After you finish the design, ask yourself these questions:
- How easy would it be to move to a 3D representation?
- How easy would it be to add a new shape, say, triangle?
- How easy would it be to add a new behaviour to all shapes, like save/load from a SQL database?
Beneath are two example implementations, one in PHP and one in OCaml.
type point = {x : int; y : int}
type rectangle = {bottom_left : point; top_right : point}
type circle = {center: point; radius : int}
type shape =
| Point of point
| Rectangle of rectangle
| Circle of circle
let area_of_shape (s : shape) : int =
match s with
| Point p -> 0
| Rectangle {bottom_left; top_right} -> 1
| Circle {center; radius} -> 2
module Surface = struct
type t
module type SHAPE = sig
type t
val area : t -> int
val draw : t -> Surface.t -> unit
module Point : SHAPE = struct
type t = {x : int; y : int}
let area t = 0
let draw t surface = ()
module Rectangle : SHAPE = struct
type t = {bottom_left : Point.t; top_right : Point.t}
let area t = 0
let draw t surface = ()