Different types of error handling

  • Exception
  • Mixed return type
  • Return argument (depreceated)
  • Return tuple

No broad concensus, new language makes different decisions:

  • Go, Rust - no exceptions
  • Koka - an exception is just a special case of effect handlers
  • Haskell, another monad (and also other things I don’t know about)

Another alternative to above mentiond techniques is the Result type from OCaml:

type ('a, 'e) result = 
    | Ok of 'a
    | Error of 'e

This defines a type result that is either Ok or Error. Further more, it carries data of type 'a or 'e, meaning, any type.

This is called algebraic data-types. The PHP enum functionality is based on this.

enum Result: mixed {
    case Ok = null;
    case Error = null;

TODO: Result can only carry int and string. Why?

We need generics to make it type-safe (not “mixed”). Don’t know if Psalm or PHPStan supports this yet.


function getPost(int? $courseId): Result
    if (is_null($courseId) {
        return Result::Error("Course id cannot be null");